Marcell, Hogan, Labs Announce Grant for Middle Bucks CTC Improvements

September 10, 2024

HARRISBURG – Reps. Kristin Marcell (R-Bucks), Joe Hogan (R-Bucks) and Shelby Labs (R-Bucks) today announced that Middle Bucks Institute of Technology (MBIT) has been awarded funding through the Pennsylvania Department of Education’s (PDE) Environmental Repairs Grant Program for facility upgrades. 

Middle Bucks will receive $197,613 from the Environmental Repairs Grant Program. This program was created to support public schools with remediating and/or abating environmental hazards in their buildings. 

“As a former school board member and member of MBIT’s Executive Council, I am pleased MBIT is receiving funding for these facility updates,” said Marcell. “As part of my commitment to supporting our students, I will continue to advocate for healthy learning spaces in schools across the Commonwealth.”

“As I've said before students can't learn if they aren't in safe and healthy schools,” said Hogan “This money will go a long way in achieving that goal so that every student can reach their potential.” 

“This important funding is crucial in ensuring our students and teachers can continue to learn and teach in a healthy and safe environment." said Labs. 

Pennsylvania school districts, career and technical education centers (CTCs), and charter schools that receive grants from this program can use the funding to improve water infrastructure and eliminate contamination; install point-of-use treatment devices to reduce lead and other contaminants; remediate mold or asbestos contamination; and for other projects that remediate environmental hazards in school buildings.

Representative Kristin Marcell
178th Legislative District
Representative Shelby Labs
143rd Legislative District
Representative Joe Hogan
142nd Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Joe Szymanski
717-808-4961 / /

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