Labs Sworn in to First Term as State House Representative

January 6, 2021

HARRISBURG - Rep. Shelby Labs (R-Bucks) was sworn in yesterday to serve her first term as the House representative of the people of the 143rd District.

“I am humbled and honored as the people of the 143rd District have given me the opportunity to represent them in Harrisburg,” Labs said. “I look forward to serving the people of Bucks County and bringing results back to our community.”

Labs was born and raised in Plumsteadville and has a deep understanding of shared community values and priorities. Her family has more than 200 years of history in the community, running small businesses and farms, volunteering and serving the people of Central and Upper Bucks County.

Among her top issues are helping small businesses, protecting our open space, as well as veteran and military support.

Her district office is located at 1032 North Easton Road in Doylestown and can be reached at 215-489-2126. Her website is; she can also be reached on Facebook at

Representative Shelby Labs
143rd Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Rene Morrow /

Rep. Shelby Labs is sworn in on the floor of the House of Representatives.
Rep. Shelby Labs is sworn in on the floor of the House of Representatives.

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