Labs Appointed to Serve as Human Services Committee Secretary

January 28, 2021

HARRISBURG - Rep. Shelby Labs (R-Bucks) this week stepped into a new role as secretary of the House Human Services Committee.

“Being appointed to serve in a leadership role during my first legislative session is a great honor and I take it very seriously,” Labs said. “This committee has a very challenging but important role in our Commonwealth, ensuring those in need of support have access to the proper resources.”

The Human Services Committee is responsible for considering legislation that impacts the Department of Human Services and the Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs.

Labs was also assigned to the Commerce Committee, which is responsible for originating legislation and overseeing implementation of programs which affect Pennsylvania companies; the Game and Fisheries Committee which receives and reviews annual performance and status reports from the Pennsylvania Game Commission and the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission; and the Urban Affairs Committee, which reviews legislation affecting the state’s largest cities.

“I am excited to get started in this new role and be a voice for our neighbors, friends and family here in the Commonwealth.”

Representative Shelby Labs
143rd Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Rene Morrow /

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