Labs Announces Plumstead Township Multimodal Grant
November 23, 2021
HARRISBURG – Rep. Shelby Labs (R-Bucks) along with Sen. Steve Santarsiero (D-10) announced Plumstead Township will receive a grant through the Commonwealth Financing Authority (CFA) to improve pedestrian safety and traffic.
“I was pleased to support this grant, which will benefit local businesses and our community by making pedestrian access to Plumstead Township safer and easier,” Labs said. “Improving access to our local businesses and schools will benefit our economy and boost community connection.”
Through the Pennsylvania Multimodal Grant fund, Plumstead Township secured $450,000 to improve pedestrian features and traffic flow at the intersection of Old Easton Road and Easton Road along both sides of Route 611, including updates to traffic signals. Additionally, new sidewalks and streetlights will also be installed between Plumstead Square Shopping Center intersection and the Plumstead Shopping Center at Old Easton Road.
“Pedestrian access is critical to keeping our communities safe,” said Santarsiero. “The extension of the sidewalks and installation of pedestrian signaling along these active roadways will help students get to nearby schools safely and will improve access to Plumstead Township businesses. These pedestrian expansions are an important piece of the broader Plumstead Village Revitalization Project, ultimately improving accessibility to shops, restaurants and local amenities for residents. I am happy to support this project and look forward to seeing this important work continue.”
The CFA was established as an independent agency of the Commonwealth to administer the Commonwealth’s economic stimulus packages. The CFA holds fiduciary responsibility over the funding of programs and investments in Pennsylvania’s economic growth.
143rd Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Rene Morrow /
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